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May 12 2011

Planning a road trip in the USA

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We dreamt of  a road trip across the US for years.  We had seen them in the movies, watched them on TV, heard the stories of our friends.  But actually planning one. That was something different.  Because you’re not meant to plan a road trip, a road trip is just meant to happen.  Whether its the plains of the midwest, the cities of the east coast, or the wide, picturesque west of California and Oregon., you’re not meant to prepare – you’re meant to go, and to let go.

But wait, I’m in the UK.  An a road trip from Whitby to Milton Keynes just isn’t going to cut it.  It has to be the USA.  And that means there have to be flights.  And since my travelling companion doesn’t like flying, there are going to be requirements we simply have to meet.

And that means there needs to be a plan.  Specifically, there needs to be exactly enough of a plan.  A framework flexible enough to let the trip stay fun.

Dreaming up the ideal Road Trip

Planning the route for your USA Road Trip


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